Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Let's start at the very beginning....

.... a very good place to start! (sing it with me all you Sound of Music fans).

For several years now (procrastinate much?) I've wanted a place to post the pages & projects I make but never got around to committing to this blog thing. So, this is just a place to keep my "things", not my "thoughts" (because those are very uninteresting). I'm hoping that it will eventually be a place for those who normally wouldn't see these things to get a glimpse into what I document & create. (I'm pretending people are interested in my life.) I'll start with recent creations and try to tag them well enough so they're easily searchable. I will leave my self-proclaimed bad stuff off of here. Or re-do them. Or never admit to having done them. I'm sneaky that way.

Okay... away we go!


  1. You are so wrong my friend......I for one am VERY interested in your life and am so glad that I will be able to come here to feast my eyes on all of your beautiful creations. Welcome to blog land. Stay awhile.


  2. Your layouts are always inspiring!

  3. I do the same thing with stuff that I make that's hideous. I just put it on my pile of layouts (without posting it) needing to go into an album....and cringe later when I come across it. Ya know, like 2-3 years later when I decide to put all those layouts in an album! And, I know you know what I'm talking about!

    Wow, talk about rambling today....
